


Our IPL-CHECKER is a program for checking IP data in accordance with specified regulations specific to the project (Guidance Document) and ASD S2000M. Multinational projects with customer-specific regulations are supported.

Any prevalent file that can be scanned by a machine can be used as the basis for data. An import routine for CSNIPD, UPIPCO, UPIPCT, CORIPD and RESTIP message files is implemented.

The IPL-CHECKER can use changes from UPIPCO, UPIPCT, CORIPD and RESTIP messages on a master inventory (CSNIPD) and check the changed data.

Using easily adaptable rules, the check is carried out across the individual data fields within a CSN, as well as the comprehensive CSN for versions and alternatives. As required, existing rules can be quickly activated and deactivated.

Results of the check and changes are presented with a coloured background, illustrated similar to an IPL and should support the author and checker during their task.

The IPL-CHECKER can use data from the program CGM-CHECKER and check the IP data against information from the imported illustrations, e.g. the field "ZERO" and quantities.

Added value:

  • Uniform test result
  • Improving quality of the data
  • No formal errors - more time for the essentials
  • Reducing the time necessary
  • Increase in efficiency - cost reduction
  • Simple adaptation to the test rules
  • High user-friendliness
  • No installation required